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Together for Design

11 June 2020
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Significant growth potential for strategic and digital designers

The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN) has published Together for Design: Digital, Product and Strategic Design Skills of the Future, a strategy document to advise the Irish Government on the future skills demand this sector the of design community can expect. It also positions the design sector as a valuable contributor to the future growth Ireland’s economy.

Design Skillnet welcomes the publishing of Together for Design and we encourage all designers to read the document and feedback through the IDI or Design Skillnet. Having an independent body like the EGFSN undertake a detail study into our sector helps to build credibility for the sector and provides us with the language to communicate with government.

The predecessor to this report, Winning by Design (2017), established that design is a crucial component of competitiveness and innovation; and that product, digital and strategic design skills will be increasingly important as digitalisation calls for solutions to significantly complex problems across industry and society. Together for Design is the natural progression of this work, predicting the demand for cross-disciplinary design skills and setting out the next steps for Ireland to realise its potential and become a leader in design thinking. Some the key take outs from the report are:

• Jobs in the design sector have doubled in the last five years.

• Growth in design jobs is triple the national average.

• Those who have hybrid, or combined digital skills, will earn more.

• Currently, Ireland produces around 1,300 design graduates every year. By 2025, the design sector will generate 6,000 new jobs every year.

• The meaning of design has evolved greatly over the past century and, with the fourth industrial revolution, and it is evolving again.

By any measure, the outlook for design in Ireland is very exciting, as the profession truly comes of age. The digital transformation of our society will see the demand for design expedited as enterprises and organisations seek to stand out on-line by enhancing their customer experience.

We encourage the whole design community to read it and get involved

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